Hey CHS Parents - Ask your kid(s) about the assembly today. They got to watch a small potion of a film about a young Rock Springs couple's bike ride across France and Germany to retrace their grandfather's journey as a POW during WWII. If you want to bring your child to learn where to find information about your relatives' journeys (veterans or not), come to the CHS cafeteria at 5:30. Research specialists from the county archives and area museums will be on hand to help you look. At 6:30 we will go to the museum to watch Mark and Carrie's full documentary depicting their grandfather's WWII story. I have attached some advice for parents of high school students working to help their children with large research projects. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bKbV2b5jFYFeBdeh6XXoeVv1tEbdtT68ODh5Sq8-Y2Q/edit
over 2 years ago, Cody High School
University of Wyoming signing day this morning. Go Broncs and Fillies…..and the Pokes too :-)
over 2 years ago, Cody High School
CHS/ UW Signing Day
Hello CHS, Join the CHS History Club, BBCoW, and VFW for a screening of the documentary "Dear Sirs" created by filmmaker Mark Pedri who bikes across France and Germany to tell the story of his grandfather as an American Prisoner of War during WWII. Bring facts about veterans you know and you can join the CHS History Club to find resources to uncover stories from your veterans' past. Date/Time: Wednesday May 4th, Pre Screening reception with research help at 5:30 pm in the CHS cafeteria. Movie Screening at 6:30 pm at the BBCoW. PLEASE RSVP here: https://www.smore.com/p1szg
over 2 years ago, Cody High School
Hello CHS, we wanted to send a quick message about the water/ sewer issue late in the day today. The restrooms were closed for use at the end of the day following a drain/ sewer backup issue in the Stock Activity area. Our fantastic maintenance crew has been working to address the issue and we are happy to report that the problem has been resolved. The school will be open and fully functional tomorrow. When you see a member of the maintenance staff please be sure to thank them for their efforts this evening. Have a great Thursday, go Broncs and Fillies!!!
over 2 years ago, Cody High School
Hello CHS, a few questions about Prom this evening: Grand March is at 8:15 PM and royalty will be announced at 9 PM followed by the dance. See you all tonight at the Cody Auditorium. Go Broncs and Fillies.
over 2 years ago, Cody High School
Hello CHS, Just a reminder to come to parent teacher conferences tomorrow, April 21, 2022 from 4-7pm at Sweitzer Gymnasium. We will have a few teachers gone due to a track meet that was rescheduled. If you were hoping to meet with any of the following please reach out to them via email and they will schedule a time to chat with you: Cris Williams Matt McFadden Scott Shaffer Shawn Allred The following will be a little late due to coaching obligations, please reach out if you need to stop in before they arrive: Lauren Viles will be there after 5:00 Jessica Purdum will be there after 5:30 Karen Wagner will be there after 5:30 We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night! Go Broncs and Fillies!!!
almost 3 years ago, Cody High School
Hello CHS, 9th - 11th graders, please bring your Chromebooks on Monday for a 60 minute Advisory session to enter course requests for next year. You will enter your requests via PowerSchool again this year. If you bring your forecasting form filled out it will make the request entry go much quicker and we will collect the forecasting form as well. Please spend time to complete that before Monday if you have not already done so. Seniors - you will be meeting in the auditorium during that time to cover end of year items including Graduation info with Mrs. Hansen. Have a great 3 day weekend, see you all Monday. Go Broncs and Fillies!!!
almost 3 years ago, Cody High School
Hello CHS. Please remember that Tuesday, April 12th all 9th - 11th grade students will be testing. Breakfast will be provided for all kids that morning so please arrive on time. Students will be released following testing completion. 9th and 10th graders will be released at 2:05pm following WYTOPP testing. 11th graders will be released at the close of the ACT test session (historically between 1pm and 2pm). Please make arrangements to pick up your students. Seniors - it is with heavy heart that we tell you there are no tests for you to take that day. April 12th is officially designated as Senior Skip Day!!! Sleep in, hang out with friends, rejuvenate your minds and prepare for your last 6 weeks of your high school career. You have been amazing class of 2022, finish strong. Go Broncs and Fillies!!!
almost 3 years ago, Cody High School
Park #6 Schools:: Public input sessions about Big Horn Ave! Everyone is encouraged to participate. The Open House accepting comments will be held at Cody City Hall on Wednesday, April 13 at 5 pm or 6 pm in person or virtually. https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/9dc89801d7504b2e8b0ef6978e416dd9
almost 3 years ago, Cody High School