Tune in to tonight's school board meeting by following this link: https://boxcast.tv/view/7212020-regular-school-board-meeting-803924
If you would like to provide public comment please email your name, phone number, and topic to park6@park6.org
During the public comment portion of the meeting you will be called to provide your comment to the board.

The July 21, 2020 Regular Board Meeting will be closed to the public so we can meet social distancing guidelines. Look for the Boxcast link to be posted 7/21/2020 to view the meeting. Public comment will be accepted via email to: park6@park6.org

Tune in today at noon for the 2020-2021 Special Board Meeting Budget Hearing.

Just a reminder that our Meal Pick-Up at Mentock Park is free to all children. We will be set up Wednesday July 15th from 11a-12:30p. See you soon!

Tune in to the live broadcast of the July 7 Special Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Reminder that today's meal pick up will be from 11:00-12:30 at Mentock Park.

Park 6 Regular School Board Meeting 6/16/2020
Use this link to tune in to the live broadcast of the board meeting. https://boxcast.tv/view/6162020-park-6-regular-school-board-meeting-320610

The KC Urban Youth Academy is opening their summer virtual "Science of Baseball" camps for grades 3-6 nationwide. The academy is sponsored through a partnership between the KC Royals and MLB. It is the largest urban youth academy in baseball. Their mission is to provide safe spaces for kids to learn teamwork and self-discipline through baseball.
If you know kids in Grades 3-6 with wifi connections who love sports, this might be something to keep them learning this summer. Two different weeks of the same content. The camps are free.

Use the link below to access the live broadcast of the June 2, 2020 Special School Board Meeting.

Hopefully everyone was able to switch over to the Vimeo Link:
You will be able to watch and download the entire ceremony from that link. Facebook decided to put the video into a continuous countdown.
At 1pm when graduates receive their diplomas KODI will be live on the radio announcing each graduate. Please listen live with us on KODI.

COVID-19 Mental Health Support

Park County Library Summer Reading is just around the corner. https://youtu.be/qcn8gk1E6KQ


Reminder: Today (5/18) is a free meal pick up day from 11:00-12:30 at Cody High School, Sunset Elementary School, and Mentock Park.

Tune in to the May 19, 2020 school board meeting by using this link: https://boxcast.tv/view/may-19-2020-regular-board-meeting-234386

We’re thrilled to announce Park County 6’s new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2td6OTC or iPhone: https://apple.co/2FzzPvu.

March 13, 2020
Dear Staff, Students, Parents, and Community Members,
In response to the ever-changing dynamics regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), I would like to update you regarding Park County School District No. 6’s current and proactive plans. Please be assured my office is in constant contact with the local and state health officials who are providing assistance and recommendations of actions to be taken as the status continues to rapidly evolve. This information and all updates will be posted on our district Facebook page and our district website at www.park6.org
The District is following the guidance of Governor Mark Gordon, the Wyoming Department of Education, and state and local health authorities. At this time, no districts in Wyoming have closed. We will continue to monitor this issue to ensure that we are taking the proper precautions for our staff, students, and families because their health and safety are our primary concerns. It is essential that parents keep students home from school when they are ill and follow the District’s Sick Day guidelines located on our website.
Beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, all nonessential student and staff travel will be postponed until further notice. Bus routes, food services, and inter-school travel will continue as normal.
Thank you to those of you who have reached out and expressed your thoughts, concerns, and inquiries regarding our district’s response to COVID-19. I share your concerns and recognize how much remains that is unknown, including the future impact upon the community. I share with you here the guidance our schools are currently following. While it may not provide you with every detail of our ongoing work and planning, it will give you a general understanding of the recommendations that are driving our efforts. Thank you for thoroughly reading and reviewing the contents of this communication.
The following summarizes current status and recent action items:
Current Status
● Schools will remain in normal operating procedures including transportation and food service.
● School extra-curricular activities will continue to be evaluated.
● Cleaning and disinfecting protocols meet current best practice recommendations.
● Regular communication with Public Health and State Health Departments regarding the COVID-19 impact in Park County.
● Preparing for potential off-site instruction.
Temporary Immediate Actions
● All travel for student groups and activities is suspended until further notice.
● Postpone indoor events that are open to the public.
● Access beyond the front office will be limited. All outside volunteer presence within the schools is suspended until further notice.
● All out of district travel for staff is suspended until further notice.
● Staff and student health and wellness trends will continue to be monitored district-wide.
Peg Monteith
Peg Monteith, Interim Superintendent

The WHSAA Board of Directors, representing the 72 members schools in Wyoming, is issuing the following guidance as we proceed with our school activities.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHSAA has suspended all extracurricular activities statewide, beginning Monday, March 16th through at least March 28, 2020, with schools having the option to extend the timeline should they choose.
The 3A/4A State Basketball Tournament will not take place this year. We understand the tremendous disappointment this decision is for our student athletes, especially our seniors, but please realize that we must be a responsible state organization and that our highest priority is ensuring the safety of our students, schools and communities.
Spring sport practices will be allowed at the discretion of each school district. The WHSAA staff will continue to work diligently with the state entities that are experts in this area and follow their guidance as we proceed in determining the best course of action with the remainder of the spring activities. We encourage all our schools to do the same with their local and county experts.
We appreciate your patience and support of our students as we work through this complex situation.

Tune in to the live broadcast of the August 20, 2019 Regular School Board Meeting. The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. https://bit.ly/2mYS1Zw