Senior Spotlight - SAM GEBHARD This guy is always willing to help! He makes every day brighter all over the high school.. whether it be shoveling show on the sidewalks, talking with someone that may be sitting alone at lunch, or simply just greeting everyone with a "hello." We are so glad that our school has Sam! There is no one quite like him and we are excited to see where the (trucking) road takes him!
almost 2 years ago, Cody High School
Senior Spotlight - SAM GEBHARD
CHS JOB FAIR - Thursday, March 9th @ Cody High School Stock Activities Center 8:20 am - 12:00 pm - Students will attend the event. 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Open to the Public. For more information please contact: Corey Young - Coordinator (307) 587-4251 ext. 5124 or by email at
almost 2 years ago, Cody High School
CHS Job Fair - March 9th
Sunset Elementary Scholars sharing their talent on stage. Providing entertainment through education. So proud of our scholars. We Are Park 6!
almost 2 years ago, Vernon Orndorff
Sunset Elementary Scholars sharing their talent
Sunset Elementary Scholars sharing their talent
Sunset Elementary Scholars sharing their talent
Sunset Elementary Scholars sharing their talent
Cody High Go Fillies Go Broncs Go Cheer Go Band We Are Park 6
almost 2 years ago, Vernon Orndorff
Go Broncs
Go Cheer
Go Fillies
Go Broncs Band
Scholars at Park County School District 6 engaged in learning. We Are Park 6.
almost 2 years ago, Vernon Orndorff
Scholars at Park 6 engaged in learning
Scholars at Park 6 engaged in learning.
Scholars at Park 6 engaged in learning.
Scholars at Park 6 engaged in learning.
PCSD 6 Engaged Learning is what we do. So proud of our scholars and Professional Educators. We Are Park 6.
almost 2 years ago, Vernon Orndorff
PCSD 6 Engaged Learning is what we do.
PCSD 6 Engaged Learning is what we do.
PCSD 6 Engaged Learning is what we do.
PCSD 6 Engaged Learning is what we do.
PCSD 6 Engaged Learning is what we do.
PCSD 6 Families, We are planning on a regular start for tomorrow, Thursday, February 23rd. We will be on a regular schedule for bus routes and school start times. We will continue to monitor the weather working with WYDOT, County Bridge & Road, City of Cody and local Law Enforcement. If there is a change, we will update you.
almost 2 years ago, Vernon Orndorff
PCSD 6 Families, we understand some of you live in areas that have received a greater impact from this storm. Please use your discretion in getting your child to school. If you are unable to make it to the bus stop or a main road that has been plowed please contact the school and your child will be excused.
almost 2 years ago, Park County School District 6
PCSD 6 bus riders will be picked up two hours later than their normal pick-up time. Weather permitting buses will adhere as closely as possible to their regular routes. If a route is changed the transportation department will contact parents.
almost 2 years ago, Park County School District 6
PCSD 6 will have a two hour delayed start on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Schools will be open by 9:30 a.m. We are continuing to monitor the weather, updates will be sent as needed.
almost 2 years ago, Park County School District 6
Tune into tonight's regular school board meeting by using this link -- The meeting will start at 6:00 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Park County School District 6
Congratulations Bronc Wrestlers on a 3rd place 3A West Regional finish!
almost 2 years ago, Park County School District 6
3rd place Bronc Wreslters
We cannot help but be so proud of this girl! Our little sharp shooter is going to do great things! Who are we kidding... we are ALREADY proud of her! She has ALREADY done great things. Great job Cori! The sky's the limit - aim for your target, and we are sure you will hit it!
almost 2 years ago, Cody High School
Coach Wood getting the team fired up for the 3A West Regional tournament. Go Bronc Wrestlers!
almost 2 years ago, Park County School District 6
Coach Wood talking to the team
Integrating standards based instruction with critical creative learning. We are Park6.
almost 2 years ago, Vernon Orndorff
Integrating standards based instruction with critical creative learning. We are Park6.
Integrating standards based instruction with critical creative learning. We are Park6.
Integrating standards based instruction with critical creative learning. We are Park6.
Integrating standards based instruction with critical creative learning. We are Park6.
Integrating standards based instruction with critical creative learning. We are Park6.
almost 2 years ago, Vernon Orndorff
Integrating standards based instruction with critical creative learning. We are Park6.
Integrating standards based instruction with critical creative learning. We are Park6
Integrating standards based instruction with critical creative learning. We are Park6.
Scholars in Park County School District 6 active in critical thinking, engaged learning.
almost 2 years ago, Vernon Orndorff
Scholars at Park County School District 6 active in learning
Park County School District 6 active in learning.
Park County School District 6 active in learning.
Park County School District 6 active in learning.
Park County School District 6 active in learning.
Our K-5th grade Art Students would like to genuinely thank all of the local community members and businesses who donated items for us to recycle into our Western Collage Art Project! We appreciate the : *1000 pieces of high quality scrap wood that was generously donated by DIAMOND TRUSS , MIDWEST FENCING and other community members *150 western magazines donated by the CODY COUNTRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE *Countless volunteers from the Cody Schools, Northwest College, Cody Broncs and Fillies; and employees from the businesses above who donated their time to prepare the materials, load the materials, and delivery the materials to the elementary schools. *The NORTHWEST COLLEGE Education students and graduates who continue to bring ART in the elementary schools each week *****Isn't it awesome to see our community collaborating and recycling to bring awesome Art opportunities to our students? The students learned how recycling, collaborating, and studying Western Art can all work together! We are blessed to live in this awesome community of Cody, Wyoming!!! THANK YOU!! #weseeyou #codywy #codyschools #park6 #thatswy #artintheschools #recycle #collaborate #community #studentcentered #cody #wyoming #weappreciateyou #ecology #integratedlearning #experientiallearning #theprojectapproach #multidisciplianarylearning #communitysupport #codybroncs #codyfillies
almost 2 years ago, Jo el Sauers
chamber of commerce
wood delivery
Midwest fencing
school kids
Our K-5th students have been working diligently on their Google Doodle projects! Google is offering an amazing prize package for the 2023 Google Doodle winner! The winner will receive a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 technology award for their school. Please sign your child's permission slip and send back to their homeroom teacher ASAP - If you want your child to participate. The students will work on their Art work entirely at school! Thank you for your continued support of our program!
almost 2 years ago, Jo el Sauers
google doodle project
Saturday hooping it up. Go Fillies Go Broncs We Are Park 6
almost 2 years ago, Vernon Orndorff
Saturday hooping it up   Go Fillies Go Broncs
Saturday hooping it up   Go Fillies Go Broncs