Governor Gordon Visits Park 6 Schools to Celebrate Park 6’s Engagement in the RIDE
program. Park 6 is a leader in providing Innovative learning and Community Partnerships.
CODY, WY – February 25, 2025 – Governor Mark Gordon visited Park County School District
6 (Park 6) to witness firsthand the remarkable work happening across the district. His visit
highlighted the alignment between Park 6’s efforts and his RIDE (Reimagining and
Innovating the Delivery of Education) Initiative, launched in May 2021 and implemented in
Wyoming districts during the 2023-24 school year. Park 6 was honored to be one of the nine
districts selected for Cohort 1 of the RIDE Initiative.
“The RIDE could not have come at a more perfect time for Park 6 Schools,” said
Superintendent Orndorff. “As Park 6 launched its Classroom 2 Careers program, the RIDE
initiative provided professional development for the dynamic teachers and administrators
on lesson design, tying standards-based instruction that integrates innovation, critical
thinking, and problem-solving. Through strong community partnerships, the RIDE initiative
and the Classroom 2 Careers program have been instrumental in bringing the Cody
community and Park 6 schools together, providing career experiences for Park 6 Scholars.”
Governor Gordon began his tour at Livingston Elementary, where he visited active learning
spaces and observed Classroom 2 Careers and RIDE initiatives in action. Ms. Allison Lewis,
the Principal, led the tour to highlight this work.
• Library Makerspace – Students work in a collaborative, hands-on environment.
• Interactive Science Lesson – Students explored wave characteristics and wave
patterns. Designing waves in action using multiple manipulatives, students
collaborated in this critical thinking learning.
• CoLABratory – Students participated in a growth mindset activity where students
had to problem solve using only identified materials and manipulatives protecting
an object from breaking.
• STREAM class, Students participated in integrating math problem-solving (fractions)
with coding robotics.
• Governor Gordon engaged with students within each of these lessons and finished
the day with the Timmer Painting Project, Flag Project Presentation, and a gift
After Livingston, the Governor traveled to Cody Middle School, where Principal Jacob
Gogan and Assistant Principal Jeremiah Johnston led a conversation where Governor
Gordon engaged in a student panel discussion about the Classroom 2 Careers program,
active learning spaces, and the support provided by the RIDE Initiative. Students also
showcased their enrichment learning partnerships, including:
• Civil Air Patrol
• Cody Regional Health
• Buffalo Bill Center of the West
• Army ROTC
• Podcasting
• Graphic Design
Governor Gordon toured the CMS STREAM Lab, where he participated in a lesson on
circuits, and this ties into Wyoming’s future as a leader in Nuclear Power. His visit
concluded with an exploration of the Quilts of Valor program and the Digital Music class.
Next was a visit to Cody High School. Governor Gordon’s visit to Cody High School
showcased the district’s commitment to career readiness and interdisciplinary learning.
Principal Espeland and Assistant Principal Trotter highlighted the RIDE and Classroom 2
• The power of RIDE – Helping teachers transform innovative ideas into reality.
• Partnership with 2Revolutions – Supporting professional development and
instructional innovation.
Internship Success – Corey Young highlighted the internship program’s success, with over
215 internships completed during the 2023-2024 school year and 307 internships
anticipated for the upcoming year. With more than 70 local business partners, including
Cody Regional Health and the Cody Police Department, CHS students are gaining
invaluable hands-on experience in nearly every sector of the Cody business community.
CHS students shared their experiences with Governor Gordon and their career experiences
within the Cody Business community.
o 215 internships completed in 2023-24.
o 307 internships expected in 2024-25.
o Over 70 business partners across every sector in the Cody community.
o Internships guide students toward informed career decisions.
Interdisciplinary POD: Reimagining Learning
A standout highlight was CHS’s Interdisciplinary POD, developed out of a passion for
innovation and real-world learning. CHS Teachers Mr. McFadden and Ms. Hansen led a
discussion with Governor Gordon on the POD design. Initially met with scheduling
challenges, the program found a timely boost from the RIDE initiative. The class combines
Bio II, Western Lit., and Life Sports. The RIDE program enables teachers and students to
turn visionary ideas into reality. One of the most impactful segments was when the CHS
Scholars provided testimonials about their experience in this dynamic learning
environment. The POD fosters connections between instructional standards, content,
outdoor life, and careers in Park County.
Students engaged in a final assessment simulating a Coordinated Resource Management
(CRM) Meeting, with a “mock” Governor Gordon’s Advisory Committee, tackling the real-
world issue of aging dams in the Shoshone watershed. Stakeholders in the simulation
• Trout Unlimited
• Farmers/Ranchers
• Real Estate Developers
• Raft Guides
• Oil & Gas Industry Representatives
• Wyoming Game & Fish
• Bureau of Land Management
• Bureau of Reclamation
Under moderation, students conducted stakeholder research, and interviews, and
collaborated to envision the future of Wyoming’s watershed.
Closing Conversations & Future Vision
Governor Gordon concluded his visit with discussions on refining and expanding innovative
programs. Key topics included:
• Sophomore Interdisciplinary POD (Biology I, English 10, Business Management).
• Entrepreneurial and Construction Co-Teaching.
• Defining Cody High School Pathways.
• Perkins/CTE Program Expansion.
• Higher Education Pathways Alignment.
A Bright Future for Park 6 and Wyoming Education
Governor Gordon’s visit reaffirmed Park 6’s role as a leader in educational innovation and
community engagement. With RIDE and Classroom 2 Careers at the forefront, Park 6
continues to redefine education for Wyoming students, ensuring they are prepared for
future careers and civic engagement.